

Seungsoon Park (a.k.a. RADIOPHONICS)
박승순 朴昇淳

born in 1985, based in Seoul, KR

Seungsoon Park is an electronic music composer (a.k.a. Radiophonics) creating a variety of innovative media projects as a cross media artist, and has also extensively researched Convergence Arts Management.

He explores how a human being interacts with nature or the universe through music. As the electronic music composer behind ‘Radiophonics’, he creates musical arrangements based on concepts such as physics of the universe, natural phenomena, and contemporary philosophy. As a cross media artist, he has developed several interfaces and installations using water, light, sound, and artificial intelligence to create a musical experience intended for both musicians and the general public.

He has participated in the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Ars Electronica Future Innovator Summit, and the annual SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas.

He is an adjunct professor at the Korea National University of Arts and a visiting researcher at the Art Collider Center. He is also the executive director of the music tech startup NEUTUNE and co-founder of Art-Collective/Label IDEAN. He received his MSc at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), under the Graduate School of Culture and Technology.

박승순은 전자음악 작곡가(a.k.a. Radiophonics), 뉴미디어 아티스트 그리고 융합예술경영 연구자로 활동하고 있다. 음악과 사운드를 기반으로 다양한 매체에 투영하는 작업 및 프로젝트를 진행해오고 있다.

현재 한예종 무용원 겸임교수이자 융합예술센터 초빙연구원으로 재직 중이며, 음악기술 스타트업 뉴튠(NEUTUNE)의 사내이사 및 콜렉티브/레이블 아이디언(IDEAN) 공동 대표를 역임하고 있다. 한국예술종합학교 예술경영 예술사 과정 및 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 문화기술대학원 석사과정을 졸업하였다.

전자음악 작곡가로서 우주, 자연, 철학 등에서 음악적 내러티브를 구성하고, 실험적 음향 공간 디자인을 통해 상상적 소리 풍경을 생성한다. 공연, 전시, 영화, 광고 음악 등 다양한 영역에서 음악적 실험을 이어오고 있다.

뉴미디어 아티스트로서 물, 빛, 소리 그리고 최근 인공지능 등의 다양한 매체를 통해 새로운 음악 창작법, 인터페이스 그리고 인스톨레이션 등의 실험을 이어오고 있다.

대표작으로는 <NEUROSCAPE>, <Imaginary Soundscape>, <Intermedia Mobility>, <시적극장(Poetic Theatre)>, <AQUAPHONICS> 등이 있으며 국제 컴퓨터 음악제 ICMC, Ars Electronica Future Innovator Summit, 그리고 SXSW 등에 참여하며 글로벌 영역으로 활동을 넓혀가고 있다.


M.S. in Culture Technology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 2018
B.F.A. in Arts & Management, Korea National University of Arts, Seoul, 2012

<W.W.W.>, IDEAN, 2015
IDEAN Compilation Vol.1 <PLAYING CARDS>, IDEAN, 2014
<Life Particles(Rework)>, IDEAN, 2014
<Nexus Remix>, IDEAN, 2013
<Nexus>, IDEAN, 2013
<Cosmos>, 2010

<Music Meets AI>, SXSW, Austin, Texas, 2019
<Poetic Theater> Co-Director, Wooran Foundation, Seoul, 2018
<Dream Time> Composer, National Theater Company of Korea, Seoul, 2017
<Invitation: Mr.Kim> Composer,  PLATFORM-L, Seoul, Korea, 2017
<Voice> Composer, National Theater Company of Korea, Seoul, 2016
<Phase>, Chris&Christy, Seoul, 2016
<LX1. CHROMATIC SCAPE>, Project Box SEEYA, Seoul, 2016
<Papaver Somniferum>, La Maison Didier Dubot, Seoul, 2016
<Invitation> Composer, Wooran Foundation, Seoul, 2016
<NEIN FEST 1> Co-Director & Performer, IDEAN, Seoul, 2016
<PLATFORM-L Opening Reception>, PLATFORM-L, Seoul, 2016
<DEPENDENT VARIABLE>, Alley Sound, Seoul, 2016
<Forest of Sound> Composer, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, 2015
<AQUAPHONICS V1>, 7th World Water Forum, Daegu/Gyeongju, 2015
<The Liar> OST Co-Composer, Busan International Film Festival, Busan, 2014
<Girls in ICT Day> 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Seoul, 2013

<Zer01ne Day>, Zer01ne, Seoul, 2018
<International Computer Music Conference>, Art Factory, Daegu, 2018
<Daejeon Biennale: Artist Project>, KAIST Vision Hall, Daejeon, 2018
<Platform Artist 2018>, Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, 2017
<Sense of Rhythm>, Wooran Foundation, Seoul, 2017
<Getting Arty with Science 2017 III>, Platform-L,  Seoul, 2017
<Getting Arty with Science 2017 II>, SEMA Gallery, Seoul, 2017
<Getting Arty with Science 2017 I>, KINTEX, Ilsan, 2017
<Tell Us Your Stories>, IAP, Incheon, 2017
<Goodness Culture: Life Ideologies from Batik>, Nonbat Gallery, Heyri, 2017
<Incheon Art Platform 8th Preview>, IAP, Incheon, 2017
<4th Korea-Indonesia Media Installation Art>, Galeria Fatahillah, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2016
<Wooran Special Exhibition ‘Flat Form : Gyubang’>, Project Box SEEYA, Seoul, 2016
<Davinci Creative 2015>, Geumcheon Art Space, Seoul, 2015
<HCI KOREA 2015 Creative Award>, Grand Hilton, Seoul, 2014

『NEUROSCAPE: Soundscape Design Based on Multimodal Connections of Deep Neural Networks』, KAIST, 2018
『Sound Branding R&D Project for Sejung』, Sejung Corporation & KAWF, 2016
『AQUAPHONICS V2 Documentation <W.W.W.>』, IDEAN, 2015
『Weight of Thoughts』, Cotton Field, 2013

Seeya Stage: People, Wooran Foundation, 2018
Getting Arty with Science 2017, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity, 2017
ICT-Culture & Arts Contest, National Information Society Agency, 2016
DAVINCI CREATIVE, Seoul Foundation for Arts Culture, 2015

<Generation of Music 4.0>, Sinchon, Seoul, 2019
<Ars Electronica: Future Innovation Summit>, Ars Elecrtonica FIS, Linz, 2018
<Artificial Intelligence: Science, History, Philosophy>, KIAS, Seoul, 2018
<Generation of Music 3.0>, TEDxSinchon, Seoul, 2013
<Social Network Band>, Social Media Week, Seoul, 2013

ACC_R Residency, Gwangju, Korea
Incheon Art Platform, Incheon, Korea